
Rockwern Academy

About the OAIS Scholarship Granting Organization

The Ohio Association of Independent Schools SGO is a scholarship granting organization providing Ohio students the crucial funding they need to receive the best education possible. OAIS is committed to the quality education that independent schools provide to students from diverse backgrounds. 

For Donors

Ohio is one of 18 states with a tax-credit scholarship program. In Ohio, taxpayers receive dollar-for-dollar non-refundable tax credits up to $750 for single filers and $1,500 for joint filers for their donations to SGOs, like OAIS. Click below to donate online. 

For Parents

OAIS SGO grants scholarships to participating students from the funds raised. Click below to apply online for an OAIS SGO Tax-Credit scholarship. 


For assistance, please reach out to a participating school or email sgo@oais.org.

Make an Online Donation
Apply for a Scholarship